The desert sock drier
Your socks will dry faster when they’re not balled up.
Instead of cramming them into your sweaty approach shoes, weave your socks into your laces to give them a better chance of drying out.
You could place your socks on a rock or in a bush, but you run the risk of the wind whisking them away while you’re on the climb. Unfortunately, this tip only really works in arid environments like the deserts of Utah (sorry south east climbers). Same goes for sun hoodies (my uniform from April until December).
There are countless of micro-tips like this one that feel a little silly to share or read. They’re simple. They’re “obvious.” But I guarantee there’s someone that hasn’t heard of it or thought about something as trivial as how you store your socks. If not today, then maybe at some point you’ll be one of the lucky ten thousand.
Summit of The Priest
Big thanks to Luke for joining me on this trip and reminding me that a photo of my sweaty socks might be good if it includes Castleton in the background! This was during our version of the Castle Valley Triple: three 5.11s up three different features in Castle Valley. We started with Fine Jade on The Rectory, then moved to Honeymoon Chimney on The Priest, and finished with The North Face of Castleton Tower. Since we left camp at 6am, we were able to be in the shade all day! With a casual pace throughout the day we were able to make it back down to camp within 12 hours, letting us end in daylight and with enough energy to spare for Luke to drive home that night and me to guide in SLC the following afternoon! Also, thank you to Carl for the #7 which took the sting out of p1 of Honeymoon, Nathan for the rack beta on Fine Jade, and another shout out to Luke for going big with me!
Luke on the step-across move for Honeymoon Chimney
After hardly eating all day, Luke was pooped. Top of Castleton Tower.