The Spaghetti Twist: removing quickdraws

This method looks magical the first time you see it and is definitely a unique way to use a stick clip! Start by using your superclip as a fork to grab the bolt-side carabiner (make sure to have one tine on the gate). Push up, then rotate your tine into the gate to spin the carabiner off the bolt. With some practice this will become as easy as snagging a meatball from your plate of spaghetti!

So far, I’ve only found this method to work with a superclip. I haven’t tested it with any other stick clip on the market (cut me some slack, the fact that I even own a stick clip is remarkable). One major advantage of this method is you can remove a draw without the rope in it. While I haven’t tried, I’m sure it would also work great for removing an Ohm from the first bolt.


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